Sabarna Roy’s latest book is titled “Fractured Mosaic”. It was released in 2021. The book is a sequel to his previous book called “Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018”. After a long time I read a book of such a different genre. Author showed how a mix of random thoughts, what he loves to call as mosaic, can be blended together to form a literary piece.
The articles are more of short proses which capture thoughts of the author at different moods. There are also a few poems and a top notch author interview published in Forbes Magazine. He has classified the book into sections namely – Journal entries and musings of a lazy author, Flowing musings and Journal entries of a lazy author, Over flowing musings and Journal entries of a lazy author, Continued musings and Journal entries of a lazy author, Ascent of sap, Flooding musings and Journal entries of a lazy author etc.
The editing quality of the book is very nice and so is the cover. Overall, it makes to a bestseller again.
Our rating: 4.5/5